Side Door to Blowing Nordland's Trumpet!

This is a streaming, multimedia project - check you meet the minimum specifications:
* 500K Broadband
* Sound card & speakers (for SongStream)
* Flash 8 player and IE6/Netscape7/Firefox/Safari/Opera (some modified browsers like AOL may be erratic)
* Windows XP/Win98, Mac OS10
* No content-based security blocking

If you have encountered a problem try the actions below. Failing that, send an email to support @ nordlands-stream. com

1. Try these conventional links
They will also update your Flash, if they run.
SongStream     TimeStream      Introduction

If the links don't work because Javascript is blocked,
you can still try the modules directly (but you need Flash 8).

2.If Javascript is blocked, you'll see a message between here> < and here.

3. Let's update your Flash just in case.
Click here

4. The final optionis that we can run the modules on their own:
SongStream      TimeStream      Introduction